
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Taxes done

Finally got the taxes done.  I vow to get better organized earlier, but it doesn't seem to happen.
They are done.
DS has to give me education expenses and his will be done.
My Mom, well that is another story.  Hers need more information and I don't have it, so I will need to find it or ask for an extension.
Tomorrow I hope to file their paperwork and do some more cleaning and maybe even load this big quilt.
I have an emergency quilt coming in the mail on Tuesday or Wednesday.  That will need a quick turn around.


  1. The hardest part of taxes is getting started and you have done that....:)

  2. When you have a child in college, you have to get them done ASAP (after you receive the last 1099 or W-2) so the funds can be calculated for the next school year's financial aid package. Had ours done the first week in February.
