
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Finally back

I was having trouble posting to my blog.  It was so upsetting.  It seems the IE 11 is not compatible with blog spot.  So, I am now using Chrome for this.  I don't understand why they don't work together for the benefit of all.
Anyway, I did finish the top for the road baby quilt.  It needs to be quilted
 I did finish the applique one I was testing, but I can't show it to you yet.  But, this one that I tested back in January is in the current TQPM.  I love this quilt.  I quilted it with ropes to go along with the western theme.  It is s Christmas quilt that does not look like it.  I might even be keeping this one.
The next thing I finally finished is this round robin UFO.  This was a failed round robin.  For some reason the person dropped out, and I'm thankful I got the quilt back, and had added a wide muslin border for applique.  Until recently, I did not have any idea how to applique.  The things I learned on this is to pre-plan where the leaves are going to go ahead of time.  Make sure to add about half an inch to the outside to make the applique stand out.  But, for the first time ever to design a border by myself, I'm pretty pleased. 
I was

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