
Monday, April 14, 2014

Design Wall Monday

Judy has us post our design wall.  This is finally something different from the past. That is a good thing.

Lower left will become a pillow.  This is a set of blocks from a UFO and I can't even remember which one it was going to be.

The one on the right is the Let's Blame Trudy.  I have so many leftover blocks that I think I am going to see if I have others that will work here.  I might need to make more flying geese to make it all fit.  We shall see.

The eagle is for a boy scout eagle award.  I have one side of a border (very thin) to do and then all around it.  It should be done today, or at least the top.


  1. You've found a good way of using up leftover blocks there. It's fun.

  2. How big is the eagle quilt going to be? That is a great thing to do for so much hard work to earn that rank in Boy Scouting. Have fun with your Orphan blocks.
