
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Small quilt group

I had my small quilt group today, but only stayed half a day because DD needed help in getting caught up before next week.  We want to have a nice spring break without lots of work needing to be done.
I did get 2 of my blocks for the quilt class made.  Now I need to take the blocks out to the shop for them to display for the class sign ups.
Both are pinwheels.
Basic pinwheel

Modified pinwheel that has a border around the pinwheel.
I'm using my purple and green scraps.
One of these days I might add this to my blog so I can make sure the directions are OK.
I didn't get photos of what everyone else was working on, but here is Lana's project at the far end of the room.
You can see Judy and her project on the table to the right.  She probably doesn't even know she is in a photo.  :(
I am now loading one of Tammy's quilts on the long arm.  Almost ready to change the thread and start quilting on it.
DD is sitting here working on her homework, so life is good.

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