
Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's national quilting day!

Here I thought it was tomorrow, and I am a day late. 
Slept in this morning because we had friends over last night and didn't get to bed until 1 am.  LOL 
We had loads of fun, but I decided I deserved to sleep in.
Now, I'm late in quilting, because it is National Quilting Day! 
I found this site for what to do on national quilting day.
What are you working on?
I do have a quilt loaded on the long arm that I'm quilting for Tammy. 
Remember the one I did roses on?  Well, it was the wrong quilt that needed roses.  LOL 
Oh well, it turned out OK, so I'm not concerned. 
This is the one, I hope, that was supposed to have roses on.  I'm using the same variegated thread that I used on the Woodland Oaks quilt.  I think I have 3 more passes to do and it is done.
I have two more quilts to finish for Tammy. 
I might load one or I might add in one of my own.  I'd really like to get some finishes this month and use some fabric.
I am also working on cleaning up this room.  It is a never ending battle.
I have some baby clothing to cut into 2.5" squares too.  That is another never ending battle.  My wrists done like doing that much cutting, so I have to take it a few pieces at a time.

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