
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weekend plans

DD is sick.  She has been sleeping so much that we took her to the doctor last night. :(  She has a bad virus and sleep, drink and pain relief is all we can do for her.  No strep, so that is good.  That means we won't be doing much this weekend.  Cookie booth on Sunday.  So, I have a few things I need to accomplish.

1.  Borders on Star quilt
2.  Work on applique for the 2nd Sampler Society UFO challenge (it won't get done, but I need to make progress on it)
3.  Hem one pair of pants from Jr High band
4.  Hem uniforms from High band
5.  Go through at least one more box of parent's stuff
6.  Of course, housework in-between all my fun stuff

That should keep me busy.

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