
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Update on progress

1.  Borders on Star quilt

2.  Start on the testing of another quilt that I can't show
I'm mostly done on this one.  I have the zig zag stitching to do and one more border.

 3.  Hem one pair of pants from Jr High band

 4.  Hem uniforms from High School band
Half done with them.

 5.  Go through at least one more box of parent's stuff

 6.  Of course, housework in-between all my fun stuff
So much housework to do, but it is started
      Kitchen is clean for now
      Laundry is started but because of the cold weather, I couldn't do laundry for the last few days.  That means lots of laundry.
7.  Sort and deliver some Girl Scout cookies
The sorting is done.  We still need to get them all delivered. 
We are almost out of Samoas and Tagalongs

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