
Friday, February 21, 2014

Second UFO for Sampler Society

I'm making a little progress on this vine and leaves.  Wish I had made the leaves a bit larger, but it's too late now. I'm trying to spread out the colors of green, so each area is getting something done on it.  I am wondering if I want to add some other color to those vines and what I'm going to do for the next round or am I just going to bind it off for a nice sized wall hanging.  I'm not totally sure yet.  I didn't get much done on it today because all the time I thought I'd be waiting was hardly any.
I'm feeling a bit better, so that makes it a little easier to work on things.  Now, to get DD to feeling better too.
My plans for the weekend might not be lots of time at home.  DH wants to do a family thing tomorrow.
My to do list is a little less than normal.
1.  Finish the border on the quilt I'm testing
2.  Go Through the mail
3.  Finish the uniforms
4.  Finish the borders on the Star quilt 

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