
Friday, February 7, 2014

It's cold outside

so, it has been another one of those weeks.  Sick child, doctor appointments for her, doctor appointments for me, and lots of band activities.  I told myself that I would keep a project going that I could take with me.  I had this UFO that is on my Samper Society UFO list that needs something done.  This was the round robin that they dropped out and send back with just the muslin and no applique done.  So, I decided to try and put some vines on it with leaves.  I might end up adding some berries, but that will wait until the leaves on it.
I had the vines done, I thought.  But somehow I missed an entire side.  LOL  So, as I was putting on the leaves I realized I had an entire side needing vines on it.  So, I'm working on that before I start on more leaves.  My daughter told me to put some brown leaves on it, but I'm not sure I like that idea.  time will tell.

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