
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Update of to do list

Guess I made progress, but will continue to work on them tomorrow.

Goals this weekend (sewing ones)
Started 1.  Quilt Christmas quilt
Started 3.  Gather samples for the quilting class to show the owners
Started 4.  Cut some of the 2.5” squares needed for the baby clothing quilts
Started 5.  Go through a box or bag of quilting items and put them away or re-gift them.
6.  Make Flying geese border on star quilt
Half done7.  Hem uniforms - only 2

DONE 2.  Review quilting lesson plans for class they asked me to teach
Non-quilting goals
Almost done 2.  Laundry -- the never ending battle
Started 3.  Help Ashley with her closet
5.  Make flyer for band event
Started 6.  Go through e-mails (150)
Almost DONE 7.  Clean up and rearrange extra bedroom 
DONE 1.  Plan USAF retired band event
DONE 4.  Clean off desk -- a never ending battle

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