
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Small quilt group

I love these days.  I get so much done, and I also get to enjoy some company of my quilting friends.
Today Judy taught Lana how to clean out her featherweight machine. After that we all got to play around with fixing the tension on her machine.  She had been having trouble with it, so it was nice to work as a group to fix the problem.  After she was happy with her tension, Lana cut out a scarf purse pattern.  It is really going to be pretty.
Judy finished putting together a layer cake top. 
 That turned out so nice.
I worked on making bias strips for the vines on my eagle UFO.  This is actually the one for next month, but I'm sure it will be taking me lots of time to finish it.  Now to figure out what to add to the vine.  I'm not sure about just leaves or flowers.  I need to do some research.
Ann had this mystery last year, I think.  Maybe the NYE 2012 Mystery???  I wanted to finish off the pinwheels in the border of this quilt and life got in the way of me making that happen.  I made the flying geese for this top and bottom borders.  I now need to finish the side borders.
Now, I think I will be adding a thin white border, then a lime green border and another white border.  I hope to find a blue to make for the outer border.  That's the plan at this point.  We shall see what materializes.
I really like this quilt.
A new quilting friend came by and met the crew.  She works on Saturdays, so she might not be able to join in with us all the time.  Maybe we can get together at another time and work on some hand work.  She loves the Dresden plate pattern.
Overall, it was a productive day for all of us.
I would like to quilt the Christmas quilt and make more pinwheels, but I need to plan the Girl Scout meeting first.

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