
Wednesday, January 1, 2014


1. I would like to fling the things I don't want anymore.  I've actually been doing that for awhile now, but I have many unused items that need to be given to a home that will actually have a use for them.  Getting DD to do this too will be a chore, but worthwhile.

2. I would like to use a net of 100 yards of fabric this year.  I almost made it last year, but without sewing the last 6 months, that didn't happen.  As long as I allow myself time to be in the studio, this should be easy to meet with all my UFOs.

3. I want to finish 12 UFOs this year -- the 6 on my list with Sampler Society and another 6 from my cabinet.  Stashbusters is doing another UFO challenge this year, so I'll be joining in and trying my best to not be the Queen.  I'm ashamed to say I have 128 UFOs on my list, so it should be fairly easy to make it happen.  There could even be more than that hiding in here someplace.  It is way down from a few years ago, but it is amazing how many quilts those swap blocks are able to make.

4. I want to start quilting for QOV again.

5. I want to treat myself and my family better.  This one can go into so many different areas.  My word for the year is FUN, so I want to find fun in all that we are doing, even housework.  

Have a happy new year and sew on.

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