
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Slow day

Started my off with parent duty, then came the prep day for school. I have a high schooler -- first class per-AP Physics.  Yikes!!!  Won't be able to help there.
I did start loading this quilt.  Need to reroll it, but now I need to figure out what color of thread to use.  It keeps changing its mind with me.
so, you've seen the design curtain quilt changing over time.  It can be seen in the photo above too, but the sun in shining through the curtains and washing it out.  Anyway, I was using bonus hst to work through to see what could be made.  I made an ocean waves with the batch and still had leftovers, so I started this one and this is what is left.  I have one block hung to copy off of for placement.  I have one I've just finished sewing the rows together as a leader/ender project, I have one laid out to be sewn when I can and then this is enough for another block.  To even out my rows, I need 4 more blocks.  I have them.  This might not be as big as I might wish, but it is a good use of 2.5" hst and they will soon be GONE!!  Amazing, I never thought that would happen.  I do have more that will end up being pressed and trimmed, but they are not done at this point.  
I have been thinking about how I could actually make this larger.  I want to try and see if I can use my 2" hst to make this quilt larger.  Think I can?  Should I use the same design and just make it larger?  Time will tell.

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