
Saturday, August 17, 2013

My to Do List

If I don't get stuck elsewhere, I think I could get much of this list done.  That's a big IF, so this might go into next week.  LOL

1.  Sew numbers in Corbett Band Pants
2.  Mend some Clemens Band Pants
3.  Make Prototype Music holder
4.  Continue with testing blocks
5.  Make 2 Hayes Corner blocks
6.  Make QST for batik quilt
7.  Keep going through files on my computer to delete duplicates and not needed anymore
8.  Continue cutting baby clothing, and maybe even sew some together?

My son says I'm reaching the capacity on this hard drive.  The computer is only about 11 years old, so that is not surprising.  LOL

I really want to get some of these done so I can focus on the baby clothing quilt and get it done.  My hands hurt from cutting all those little pieces and I tend to only do a little at a time.

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