
Monday, August 5, 2013

Design Wall Monday

I sewed the baby quilt together from last week.  Didn't press it, so don't have a photo of it yet.
Need to quilt the baby quilt on the machine and then the other 2 I have ready to quilt, but need backings for them first.
This is the UFO that needs done for Liz' UFO Challenge.  These are 9 inch 9-patches that I worked on during a retreat in 2006.  So, it is an old UFO.  I randomly put the blocks up on the wall.  Looks like I need a bigger wall.  LOL  I see a few spots that I need to rearrange, but from here I want to make hourglass blocks to frame the 9-patches.  So, that is one of my August projects.
I have a baby quilt on to quilt that I won't be able to show you.
I have a quilt to piece that I won't be able to show you.
I have a couple of other projects that need attention after those other things are done.
All along I have the band boosters to work with.  LOL  I think August is going to be gone before I know it.
Throw in 3 birthdays in the next month and life is like normal.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful quilt! I love 9-patch blocks. They're so simple but create a great design and are very comforting to me, besides.
