
Sunday, July 21, 2013


Well, seems that un-stitching takes longer than stitching.  LOL  I have not even made it 1/3 of the way through this baby quilt.  I'll work on it while sitting downstairs with DH, and then take a break to come on upstairs.

   I would like to quilt this old log cabin,but have no idea what to do with it.  Any suggestions?  I didn't like the way my Baptist Fans templates worked.

Then, I'm working on this kit that didn't have the right fabrics with it.  I tried a print, but it does not work well with the black or the white.  So, that might just have to go in the back.  I like the shape of the round cup.  The square one is just not great.  Might make all round ones, but I need to find the right fabrics and figure out how many are going on this wall hanging.

A friend came by this morning with a van load of fabrics.  Some were really old.  There were some vintage fabrics and lots of double knit.  I helped her sort through and there are some almost done, so I'll put them together for a charity.  I decided to ask Sylvia of  Angel Cover Ministries if they could use the extra fabric, even if it was not cotton.  She said yes, so I need to take that out to her soon.  There is lots of it
I think I'll keep the grandmother's flower garden pieces and see if I can put it together.

I've been working on the school stuff and hope to have it ready to go this week.

1 comment:

  1. I've always liked the way clamshells look on log cabins. If I was doing it by hand, I'd probably stitch in the center of each log forming squares or corkscrews. Looks like a great quilt.
