
Monday, July 8, 2013

Design Wall Monday

It's been a few weeks since I could show you this.
I finally got the center of the mystery sewn together.
Up on my design wall are the 11 blocks from the Sampler Society of blocks with flower names.
I still have one block to make and will probably try the setting suggested, so this is not the way they will look in the final quilt. 
 Sampler Society blocks on main design wall.
My alternate design curtains still have this block from my bonus hst.  I have 27 blocks made and don't know how large I want to make this one.

Check out the other design walls here.


  1. Your blocks are looking great. Can't wait to see what's next!!

  2. very pretty and I love samplers. Your design curtains are a great Idea, I have a few that would work for me....

  3. A purple sampler will be quite striking.
