
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Stash Report

Judy, thanks for keeping us accountable. This is my best week.  I had lots of finishes because DD has lots of end of school gifts.  I did have a bit that came in from my birthday FQs that were sent to me.  I sent the same amount out last year, so in reality it is a wash, but I still have to count it.
Used this Week: 25.57 yards
Used year to Date: 110.68 yards
Added this Week: 4.75 yards (all birthday FQs)
Added Year to Date: 37.25 yards
Net Used for 2013: 64.93 yards

I like these kinds of weeks.  LOL  But, I was busy and I was in the doctors office most of the day. 

Today is my quilting small group and I am going to enjoy myself.


  1. Those are great numbers for the week!

  2. Great week for stash busting! Happy Birthday!

  3. Great numbers! Have fun with your group today.

  4. Congrats on your finishes and the numbers!
