
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday is done

I worked on this lovely BIG pillow for a wedding gift that was needed for today.
I got it done.  Not 100% happy, but it is OK.
I now need to work on the quilt.  It is not done.  :(*  I hate not having things done on time.  But, life has been really crazy lately and I procrastinated on this way too long.
I love the colors and learned that I need to make sure the rings have a variety of values in them.  The darker one is not to my liking, but I like the variety of colors.
I also learned that there is a way to put the rows of the double wedding ring quilt togehther and making it like this is not that way.  LOL
I am going to make the rings up and then align them to the white after I get them all made.  I found that I got better when I did a couple rather than one section at a time.  Practice makes perfect. 
So, I will start cutting A and B sections to sew them together with a variety of fabrics.  I have them all pulled and just need to cut.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pillow. I love the colors. Great job! I have never done a wedding ring quilt but have always admired them. The piecing and curves sound scary. Someday maybe I will try if I get brave enough.
