
Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday ain't over yet

So, I got the patriotic star quilt off the design wall.  I took it to the small group and what did I do?  I left the white at home on the design wall.  :(  So, it still needs to be finished, but I've started 2 other quilts.  The one on the left is a hidden wells.  This is a darker than normal quilt for me, but it is for a man and should be fine. 
The second one is the cardinal fabric and I am snowballing a corner of a large red polka dot with a tan that will end up being a hst and then a smaller snowball ove the tan.  They will be planned kinda like a pinwheel.
That blue thing hanging off to the right is the turtle wall hanging I still need to finish.
Now, my design curtains are holding the sampler society flower named blocks on the left, the waste hst block in the middle and a pink and green quilt on the right.  The far right has Lynne's apocketfulof mystery alphabet blocks. 
Do you think tht is enough of having things going?  I only have two of those 5 that are UFOs.  :(  I should be setting my priorities different.  LOL
Check out the other design walls.

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