
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Binding is on

Remember in March the UFO challenge was the floral 4 patches?  I had one quilt that I got finished for the challenge and had this one ready to quilt.
I've been lazy and had it loaded and not quilted, so today I quilted it, I used leftover binding pieces to bind this scrappy quilt.  Most of it was purple for some reason, but it is ready to sew the binding down.  So, the March UFO will be gone!  That really means that my UFO list is down 1, but I got 2 quilts out of it.  LOL

It also means I will use some fabric next week.  YES!

I still have the horse quilt UFO from April to finish too.

The May UFO is my black and red table cloth.  No batting inside that one, but it should be fairly easy to finish up, I hope.

I have the batik quilt I could load and have ready to quilt too.  I should do that today.

I also got my applique ready to do and started on the Whimsical Garden and Home in the middle. 
I finished the bee for Pixie Garden.  I do not like those little round circles.  LOL  But, I used floss to do the bee bands instead of trying to get the tiny bias strips on the bee body.  This next month is a butterfly.

I need to get ready to run some errands, and get DD something else for her throat.  :(  She is sleeping all the time.  Not a normal thing.  The urgent care place called to check on her.  That was a first.

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