
Monday, May 6, 2013

A Day of doctor appointments

Well, DH and I had appointments this morning.
My ENT appointment got me a "Good Girl" for not scratching my ears.  LOL
DH's Eye appointment got him a "Good Boy" for not twitching so much.  :)
Then, we came home and got DD for her appointment this afternoon.  She didnt' get as good a report.  Not sure what is causing the problem, but we are trying a different allergy medication to see if that helps with the ears and throat.  I hate San Antonio's allergies, but I love living here.

Got home and finally figured out what I wanted to do for the teachers with the mini candy bars.

A little saying on a magnet, a couple of spiral paper clips and a couple pieces of mini chocolate.  Wrap it in a plastic bag and close with a silver twisty and there is a teacher appreciation gift.

Needless to say, the only thing I got done sewing was some applique, but not done completely.

I did finish the binding on the quilt, but I didn't bring it in from the car.

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