
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

UFO Plan

Well, Judy always has these great questions.  Her latest is what is your UFO plan.

My plan has been , and continues to be, to work on more UFOs in the year than starting new projects. 
I make sure that when a new quilt is needed, I look in the UFO pile first to see if I can use something there.

I have joined 2 UFO challenges. 
        One requires you to make a list and then a number if pulled each month and you work on that UFO.  So far this year, I've finished those, or at least the first of the set.  Sometimes it seems my one UFO grows to more than one.  :(
         The second is to list 10 UFOs to work on during the year.  The ones I picked there are ones I really want to finish this year.  I've not done as well on that listing.  I think the challenge makes me focus more.

I don't want to say I won't start anything new.  If I want to do something new, then this is supposed to be fun and I should be able to do that.  I am trying to finish the things I start.

 I will limit my block exchanges to a few special groups.
         I have started applique BOM and sometimes think I am overdoing it there.  But, I'm keeping up, so maybe that is OK.
         I did join a swap that I'm not sure I really like.  I am planning on putting it together and see if it works for me.  No more swaps this year.

1 comment:

  1. Good Plan. I put my list at the top of my Blog in a TAB. There is a UFO list in the TABs to work on this year also. I try every year to finish more than I start. My Number has grown because I lack the self control to say NO to a NEW Block of the month or two. Plus When I had the chance to meet 3 Famous Quilters, How could I not start something new?
