
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Last post of the day

DH helped the church put a ramp in for my Mom.  She is in a walker and it is getting difficult for Dad to carry it down the stairs.  So, now she has a ramp.  I guess we need to figure out how to weatherproof it.  They did an awesome job!

 I thought I was caught up with the Sampler Society blocks, but, I was wrong.
This is the Prickly Pear Cactus block.  Appropriate for Texas, right?  I Like it.

These are the 4 blocks already done in this flower names block sampler.  I'm thinking right now that the pansy will be in the middle.  I think I should have put white for the corners to make it coordinate more.  Who knows, maybe I'll go back and do that.  It would only be 6 pieces.  Time will tell.

I decided not to work on the horse quilt because of how I'm feeling.  I was afraid to cut and not have measured right.

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