
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Judy has us do a stash report weekly. So, here is mine for the week.

Well, it has not been a good health week.  I did make more microwave pot holders, and have more to do.

I needed border fabric for the horse quilt and some backing fabric, so I ended up adding more to my stash.  :(  Seems I never get ahead.  Maybe if I would stop getting sick I would.

Used this Week: 0.32 yards
Used year to Date: 63.57 yards
Added this Week: 12 yards
Added Year to Date: 36 yards
Net Used for 2013: 27.57 yards

May is a busy school month, so I hope I feel good enough to sew.


  1. Your numbers still look great. Hope your feeling better.

    To a new great week.

  2. Hope you're feeling better. You can't finish your projects if you don't have the fabric, so as you know, sometimes you just have to get more for it to work.
    Great Stash report for both the yardages used and newly fed.

  3. Not feeling good is no fun! Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Hope you are feeling better real soon. Your numnbers are good. Keep up the good work.
