
Saturday, April 13, 2013

I got to sew!!!

Last night I took time to sew while DH was out doing yard work.  Yes, it felt good.

I wish I'd put a small inner border on this one, but this was the UFO from last month that became a second one.  LOL  So, I will quilt it and have it ready to bind for some of the many doctor appointments with Dad, DH, and myself this coming week.

The current UFO.  I had the smaller courthouse steps done, but then didn't like the way they were looking and added to one (see it on the left center?)  DD wants some more purple and yellow (gold) in it.  I know the right courthouse step block will be exactly like the one on the left, but I'm still debating on the others.  Do I make them like that, because I like it better.  Having the light blue on the outside is not working for me.  I really don't like working with panels, but she loved this panel for a long time now.  Maybe smaller courthouse steps?  Maybe checkerboards?  Maybe pinwheels?  Maybe flying geese?  I'm not exactly sure yet, but I'm playing with it.  I do need to put the purple borders around the 4 smaller panel pieces.  But, DD and I decided the purple was the wrong type of purple, so I need to take it off and find what I'm needing again.  Time will tell.  I need it done this month, so I'd better get busy.

The tessellation was the leader ender for all my sewing.  It was lots of small snowballs, so finally I am done snowballing.  So, now I can take the columns off and start sewing it together as it's own project.  I need to find another leader/ender project.

I'm finishing up our taxes today and almost have them done.  My breaks are on the computer and sewing.  I should be able to get something finished while doing the taxes too.

Maybe I'll load the floral 4 patch and get that done.  I don't know where it is going yet.

I truly want to get my BOM done this weekend too.  Maybe that is incentive to get the taxes done.  I can't start on them until the taxes are complete and filed.  hum mm, maybe that isnt' want I want to say.  LOL

Need to figure out what my folks want for dinner, because Dad has been doing most of the cooking lately and he is not up to much of anything.  Praying we find out if he can get the cement in the spine to help with the pain and healing.  We will know more on Tuesday.

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