
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Design Wall

OK, with jury duty yesterday and binding that huge quilt, I didn't get my act together enough to get the design wall photo up.  Of course, it looks very much like all the other ones.  I have made progress on sewing the corners on.  If you look REAL closely, you will see that from the right hand side, I have 2 columns that still need done, and then about 4 blocks at the bottom of the 3rd column.  So, I am making progress.  That last column is only a few corners because it is really the border and I'm only finishing up the tessellation.  :)

If I get to sew this week, I will have this one all snowballed and ready to sew it together.  I say if because it is Girl Scout camping planning.  The girls are doing most everything, but I need to have a list for me that will allow me to help them in the steps.

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