
Monday, March 18, 2013

What a Monday!

Mom and Dad are both not doing well.  They have been basically sleeping for the last 4 days.  So, today was doctor day.
Mom needed blood work done, so at 0800 we were headed to the lab.
While there, I went by the doctor's office to get Dad an appointment.  That stubborn old man fell changing the time on a clock over the couch. Did he go get it checked out?  No, of course not.  He can barely move.  Going up stairs is almost impossible. :(  So, I got him a 1500 appointment.
Dropped Mom off, told Dad to be ready for his appointment when Mom went for hers at 1330. 
Came home, did a little picking up.  Nothing heavy.  Sewed the rest of the inner border on the black and white and red all over quilt.  Sewed 2 of the outer borders on when it was time to leave for the other appointment.
Mom and Dad were ready.  Checked them both in about 1315 and we waited for just a short time.  I barely got 3 inches done on my turtle applique.  Went back and found out that Mom has a really bad cold that is settling in her vocal cords.  Not too bad, give it a week to 10 days and she should be fine.
Went back to the waiting room and Dad was called at 1400 -- an hour early.  Yes!  After him hurting getting to the room, stepping on the scale, getting on the table, when she moved his leg, he had no pain.  So, she is fairly sure he didn't break anything!  Thank you Lord!  She went and did and x-ray anyway to make sure, and just because my Dad smokes like a chimney and is always coughing, she did a chest x-ray.  So, the situation is that it will be 6 weeks for him to heal.  "(  That means he can't really drive, because any pressure on his legs is painful.  Guess what I'm doing for awhile?  DS will help with this when he is not in school, but it will fall mostly on me.  This is why we moved back to Texas.  I'm an only child and my parents are aging and DH said I should be close to help them when needed.
I remember doing this in 2005.  I didn't think I could do this pattern, but it was a Mystery by Ann Smith and one step at a time and it was done.
We are so lucky to have folks giving patterns away on the Internet. 
Maybe I can get the last 2 borders on my quilt tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely quilt! That one step at a time sure makes things much easier...LOL. Hopefully your folks will be getting better fairly soon.
