
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

what a day

Well, I am so tired.  Not a good night to sleep.  DH kept waking up and thus waking me up. :(
Had to be up early to get DD to the doctor for a follow-up on her ears.  She is doing great.  need to get a routine to put those cleaning drops in consistently.  So, she was there and the doctor asked her if she had eaten anything and she said no.  You know where this is going....she had to have lab work.  :( The stupid lab tech missed the vein the first time around.  This is after explain DD's GREAT BIG fear of needles.  Guess what, it has gotten bigger now.  :(  So, she was a basket case after that.  Barely got the urine sample, but it is done and we should be OK for awhile.  What a way to start the day.
Came home exhausted from all the stuff.  Had this quilt loaded, and it was giving me trouble with thread breakage.  :(  I procrastinated in working on it, but even when I did, it too from about 3 - 9 to quilt this little quilt.  :(  I'm still not sure what is going on.   I'll see when I load the next to figure it out.  This is Tammy's quilt and I did leaves all over it.  I love this quilt.  The red just perks it up.
took a walk with DH to go get the lotto ticket.  Nice to be out a little.  Tomorrow is the next 2 missions.  That will be more walking.
Three days without sugar!!!!

1 comment:

  1. so sorry for all the drama at the drs with DD. My oldest step-daughter is that way and if she sees her own blood much worse!
    I live in bastrop, 125 miles from San Antonio-I call it my second home. Love your blog#70onationp
