
Saturday, March 2, 2013

New UFO pick

Yesterday was the first of the month.  It is always fun to begin a month.  Liz picked a new UFO and it is UFO #1.

I had so many of these 4 patches that I have already made 2 of these quilts.  We shall see if I use them up this time, or how many quilts are made from it.  LOL
Thanks to Liz, I have already taken 2 UFOs off my list and made more quilts that than.

We also got our new BOM from  apocketfulofmystersies yahoo group -- Contrary Wife.  I hope to get my 2 blocks done today and get the one for my swap partner mailed out on Monday.

I have 2 quilts to quilt this weekend for my friend Tammy.  I have the box here, but have not even opened it yet.

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