
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Missing Small Group :(

I don't feel great, the nose bleeding puts a cramp in my style.  LOL  I never know when it is going to hit.
So, when contemplating whether to go or not, I thought about what I needed to get done.  Most of it is using the long arm.  Since I can't do that away from the house, I decided to focus my time here and take care of myself.
Tammy sent me 2 quilts she needed quilted, so this is the first. one.  I did my swirls on it in white thread.  I didn't like the look of the purple thread I had, so it had to be white.
I sewed more patches on DD's Girl Scout vest.
I am loading the second quilt and might get some of it quilted today.  We shall see if that happens.

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