
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Judy has us do a stash report weekly. I used to be good at this and now, I'm sporadic. :( So, here is mine for the week.

Used this Week: 0.13 yards
Used year to Date: 45.93 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 24 yards
Net Used for 2013: 21.94 yards

OK, so it was a very light week.  I was doing things with DD's band this week.  Next week should be a little better.  I have the black & white and red all over quilt ready to load.  Need to lay everything out again to double/triple check, and then I can load it.

I was going to do that yesterday, but 4 hours standing on concrete and then needing to find an Easter dress for DD, I was out of it.  LOL

1 comment:

  1. I love your black/white and red quilt. I need to make a sampler quilt. Thanks for sharing.
