
Thursday, February 21, 2013

tiring week

OK, I said I'd post photos at some time.  I am too embarrassed to show you the before photos.  You can see some of the mess, but it was horrible before.  This is my long arm with my design wall at the far end.  That tessellations quilt is a never ending project.  LOL  I have my roll of batting sitting out because I have too much stuff under the long arm.  :(  Lana's batting is over by the design wall too.  The cutting table is on the front left, and will always need help.

 This is looking from beside the design wall.  Those plastic bins are my scraps and they are color coded to allow me to find the right pieces when I need it.  Most of the drawers are full, so that means I really need to use up more of the scraps and not worry about the yardage in the cabinets.  My cutting table is on the right front in this photo.  The milk crates have the batting I just went through.  I really need to figure out more projects to use them up.  The bigger pieces of batting are on the floor behind the cutting table.  I imagine they will be used up fairly quickly.
 This is the Magix Stax swap I was in.  I don't really like my bright fabrics together, but I imagine mixed with others it will be fine.  I didn't do as many as I thought I would because life got in the way and if I don't get them mailed quickly, they will end up being late.  It will make a small quilt for the BAMC group.
 I did finish the road quilt.  It is on my Cyberquilters UFO listing, so that is a help, plus it is able to go to Angel Cover Ministries folks so a little boy can play with his matchbox cars on it.  I quilted around the roads and around the buildings.  I followed some of the trees too.  it was fun to quilt.  I used only stuff in my stash.  Those half square triangles were going to be thrown away by someone and I rescued them.  Don't they go well?  So, please don't through good stuff away, pass it on to those that will work with it.
I do have a strange double knit quilt that Lana gave me in her excess fabric boxes.  She thinks I can use it more, so she passes it on.  So, I take it and try to use it.  LOL  This next one will be shown when I get the binding on it.  I have no idea how to find a homeless shelter to pass this on to.  It will be really warm.


  1. Photos like this make us all feel good! i don't have a long arm but I have piles, drawers, containers and boxes...fabric everywhere. right now I have 5 tops siting on a chari with the yardage and extra blocks for the backings. A couple of hours and they could be off to be quilted...sigh! Thanks for making my day with photo!!

  2. Looks good to me. I have a short wall with my machine and shelves and a small cabinet. Tubs piled all around. The Bailey and frame are in the living room. I cut on the kitchen counter. Your set up looks very organized.

  3. Room looks good to me and organized!
