
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Late, but an update

Had our small quilt group this weekend, and I didn't get a photo of the twister shamrock that Wanda was doing. 

Lana is working on 2 of these quilts. This is not the original pattern, because the sashing blocks were made by her Mom to the size in the pattern and they were the wrong size, so Lana used the pieces and put this quilt together with what she had.  Then, she found a second kit that her Mom adjusted the pattern and made the setting blocks the right size.  So, she is going to make that quilt and then give them to her parents.  They will be the same colors, but different setting.  :)

Judy finished sewing her teal and brown quilt together.  I love this quilt and the colors.  makes me want to make a simple quilt in these colors for my bed.

this was my disaster of the twister.  I didn't have the right tool, but I made it work.  I now have the right tool to work with.  I think I will make this into a pillow today, since Valentines day is in a couple of days.  LOL

Because I need to practice, I started this BOM, Pixie Garden, in applique.  I really need to work on my curves more.  I think it is because I am not doing it every day.  I find if I do a little every day that I can keep the curves smoother.  But, now I need to put the sashing on the block to set it right.

My project is an old UFO.  It was a block swap in black and white.  I set it with sashing in multiple reds.  I didn't have enough red for all of the sashing, so they are also scrappy.  I only got part of it sewn together, so I'll post a photo when I actually unpack it. 

Had to go with DH to a doctors appointment that took forever yesterday.  Results were not so good, but it might get him back on track, and maybe the rest of us will be able to benefit from the diabetic way of eating.

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