
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Humble experience

I spent the morning learning about the High Risk Pregnancy Unit that I donate quilts to.  They love the size I make (less than 44" squares) and I learned that Threads of Love donates many items to them.  I'm going to need to go and see if we can get involved in that organization.  What amazing work they do.  I enjoy the quilting and the donations that I can give to different places.  This might be my new donation site.

Today is wash day -- DD decided to hold lots of clothing all week long. :(

I have some sorting to do in my studio and to figure out what I'm going to work on at my small group.

It's a yucky day, so I think I might be just find staying inside.

I just needed a photo, so added this one of my kids.  LOL

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