
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Weekend plans

What's happening this weekend?  It's the first weekend of Girl Scout Cookie Sales.  We have booths on Friday and Saturday, we actually we have 4 booths this weekend that DD and I are manning.  Problems with other girls and illness and availability, so DD and I will man them.  I need to go get money tomorrow, find the money box and the table and off we go!

Sunday is my parent's anniversary, so we will go out after church to lunch with them.  Then, I will be able to go to my small quilt group to deliver cookies and do some sewing.  I have a couple of UFO projects to take with me.  I don't expect to get them done, but they are going to be fun to work with.
1.  Tropical swap blocks.  I need to make one more block and then figure out how to set them.
2.  I have pinwheels that I've sewn the method where you sew around the squares and then cut, trim and assemble.  I need to get those done to be able to get the rest of the quilt put together.  I'm not real excited about this project.
3.  The road quilt is started and the hst have been made.  I need to press, trim and sew them together for one of the borders on this UFO.
4.  Play with Jo's club setting.

Actually, these are all 3 UFOs and it would be fun to get them done and ready to quilt.  I could conceivably get 2 of them to the top stage on Sunday afternoon.  We shall see.

What are you working on?

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