
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Small Quilt Group

Spent some of today with a group of 3 other ladies.  Mostly folks were doing lots of cutting.  Lana had a mystery she was cutting out.  Then, she pulled this from what her Mom had been working on before she couldn't sew anymore.
  :(  Some of the blocks were not the right size, so we had to come up with a different layout. But, she has enough fabric to finish this and have it done.  That will be wonderful for her.

 Wanda is working on this pattern that I know as lone star.  She got lots done, 5 of the 8 parts.  Isn't it beautiful?
I was working on the Alphabet BOM that Dorothy is doing in the apocketfulofmysteries group.  I plan to use my big bin of flowered fabrics.  I want to add some green to each block too.  This is not a great color combination, but it is done.
A is for Antique Tiles
 One of my other groups, The Sampler Society, had this BOM that was just squares and rectangles.  So, I did some of them, but not all.  I saw this setting style and decided it would be a fun one to do.  The blocks are really big once the border are added.  I was going to add a border to the outside, but I think this is large enough for the lady it is going to.  She is going through chemo and I want to make sure it isn't too large.  I'd like to get the backing put together and the batting ready to use.  Maybe I can get this one quilted tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mel, looks like lots of progress-love the star, and that last quilt
