
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Day

Marge Gordon of Delaware Quilts had this mystery.  As I look at it, I see a couple of turned blocks.  Might have to fix that before I border it.  Not sure what I am going to use as a border since this was from jelly rolls.

One of the groups had us list 9 projects we wanted to finish this year.  We listed them, and she pulls the number for the project we are to work on in the month.  Liz chose #6 for January.  So, I pulled the 6" squares and laid them out.  I used it as a leader/ender project while working on the NYE Mystery.  I need a small inner border and a larger border for this to be ready to quilt.  Of course, I didn't use all the blocks in my box, so I am going to see if I can make another one.  Then, I will have 2 Christmas gifts from 1 listing on my UFO list.

Hope everyone had a Great First day of the year.  We had fun with family.

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