
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Less Stress

I started my morning off REAL early.  I think I was troubleshooting the long arm issue all night long.  I rechecked all the areas and nothing seems out of sync.  Why did it do it?  I don't really know.  Was the needle plate shifted?  Was the backing seam deflecting the needle?  Was the needle coming loose from the housing?  Why, I may never know, but it seems to be working now.
So, the next step was to unsew the border.  I have the fabric needed to repair the rip and I have the quilting unsewn.  Oh how I hate to unsew.  :(

Then my friend Lorena and I went to our monthly applique lesson. We are doing the BOM for A Home in the Center (I think that is the name)  We got our fabric at class and I had all the pieces ready to put on the fabric and cut out.  I learned to do the bias strip -- see it on the right?  Can you tell what this is going to bee?  I still have more to go, but had fun doing this much.  Maria is such a fun teacher and I love the way she teaches. 

Got home in time to get Ashley from Game Central and then ate dinner and watched Once Upon a Time on Netflix.

I'm feeling more hopeful that I can fix what happened on this quilt for Sandy.  Tomorrow I will redo her backing seam and take the selvage off.  I'll also piece the border where the broken needle ripped the fabric.  Wish there were a way to handle it without piecing a part in there.


  1. Your applique looks really cute. Is it going to be a sunflower and beehive?
    I think once you get the border patched up and quilted, it will be fine. I'm sure you are upset as you probably could have the whole thing done by now! Good luck!

  2. I so feel your pain. I've been in the same situation and I KNOW how it feels. Nothing worse than to rip out something you love after you rip it out. Seems easier to go back to. YMMV
