
Tuesday, September 11, 2012


From fabric I had to trim to make the blocks the right size.  I was using pre-cut strips that were about half an inch too big.  I couldn't let it go to waste.  I need to work on how to decorate the outside.

Finished the binding on this little quilt for the Wilford Hall high risk medical ward.

I'm quilting the flowered quilt today.  Almost done with it, but this foot starts of ache when I stand too long or sit too long or or or....
I looked under the cutting table.  Mistake.  I keep finding UFOs that I've pulled and staged and forgot about the staging area.  :(  So, I am putting them back in the UFO cabinet and will pull when I am ready. 
Found some more string blocks.  :(  Guess I need to sew them together quickly and get all the string blocks out of here.  Maybe I can make that into the baby quilt I need since there are pink center strips.

1 comment:

  1. looks good Mel, I have been working a little bit on the double 9 patch blocks-I cut all the fabric you had sent plus most all of my scraps into 1 1/2" strips-I think of you when see a pretty fabric-hugs
