
Friday, August 24, 2012

DD turned 13 today

I never understand why a photo that has been cropped and rotated won't rotate.  If anyone has the secret, please let me know.  :(
DD is now officially a teen.  She wanted a purse to carry things in at school, especially books.  So, I had a test model and this is what I made last night.  Using some string blocks in her colors -- blue and teal and aqua --this has 4 pockets on the inside and two pockets on the outside that have the magnetic snaps on them.  It was lots of thicknesses to sew through, but she loves it.  Used one UFO string block and made the rest out of my scrap drawers.  Had to pull one fabric from the cabinet for the inside lining, so nothing bought.  That's a good project. 

1 comment:

  1. Ashley is so pretty and looks so grown up. Her purse is great.
