
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

little sewing, lots of other things

I really didn't drop off the face of the earth.  LOL  I made one more of the blocks for the Sampler Society.  I'm now one behind.
 DD is becoming an artist.  She did this drawing and I love how the centers glow
Teacher Appreciation week was last week.  I made 100 of these lovely flowers and each teacher got one.  :)

National Junior Honor Society Induction was last week and DD was inducted in it. 
She is signing the book here. 
 There she goes back to her seat.  I'm so very proud of her and her accomplishments.
Here we are after the ceremony.  She did NOT want to have her photo taken, but DS made her do it! 
These are quick teacher gifts -- coasters.  Fun and easy to make.  DD decided on the colors and I whipped them out.  I should do a tutorial on them sometime.  I've been making these for years, since I received some and had to figure out how they were made.  LOL 
 Mom's Mother's Day gift was to make her pillow sham flanges wider.  Her quilt was using these colors, so I just used them to increase the flange.  She loved them, so that is what counts.
 way back in April I received my birthday FQs from Cyberquilters and these are them.  Are they not the prettiest blues and greens?  DD's quilt will probably get some of them in it.
Mu ugly brown and gold quilt.  Not sure when I made it, or what I was thinking.  It is definitely another UFO accomplished.  I did it and another one when an acquaintance wanted one for her Mom's birthday.  Funny thing, when I gave her the price, she was no longer interested.  The other quilt is going for a wedding quilt (it is pretty) and this will find a home at some point in time. 
last night was the school awards night.  DD got an award from her Language Arts teacher.  This is SUCH an accomplishment since she is dyslexic and was struggling with Language Arts.  I am so proud of her.  She also received A/B Honor Roll.  She's the one in teal.  :)
Today was a frustrating day.  Everything that I tried was more difficult than it needed to be.  I didn't handle it as well as I could have, but I blame it on not sewing this week.  LOL  I have some more pillows to finish and a couple of quilts to quilt and a quilt of my own to finish.  All of this by the end of May.  Not to mention all the Girl Scout things that need to be done and a printer that needs ink and I'm having trouble finding a place to buy it.  It will all work out, I just need to not stress over it!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are still really busy-love the quilt photos
