
Monday, April 30, 2012

Paisley Pattern

OK, normally I have a photo, but I forgot to get the camera out when I had the quilt out and it already went home.  :(

It was a yellow and blue jean quilt with black paisley backing (I went and bought some of it).  they wanted loops or paisley.  Well, trying to figure out what to do, I tried a loop inside a loop with a crooked point to it.  It was not a perfect paisley, but it was paisley and turned out OK.  Sandy will be able to take it back to CA with her and put the binding on it.  That's a good thing.  :)

Had a surprise today and got lunch brought in by Lorena.  What a blessing.  I enjoy her company so much.  She watched me quilt Sandy's quilt.  Lorena has a computerized long arm and I won't touch it.  But, she has not played with hers to do they type of quilting I do.  It was fun to talk about how we do things differently.

Overall, a great day.  Hoping the chiropractor has started my shoulders, jaw and neck on to recovery.

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