
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I did finish quilting the horse quilt.  The one that Ashley is not interested in anymore.  It will go to Equessence to allow them to raise some money.  Hope someone has a little girl and wants to pay a good price for the quilt.  I'll post the photo when I get the binding and label on it.

I'm all caught up with the Sampler Society blocks.  Since it is just strips and squares, they are fun and quick to go together.  They are hanging on the design wall next to the long arm.  Makes taking a photo strange.

Notice the quilt to the left, I only have 4 more blocks to put together for my ugly baby quilt.  That is being used as leader/enders for other projects.  I think it has been on my design wall for 2 months now.

Lorena decided we needed to learn trapunto.  Not something I really wanted to do, but she challenged me to try it.  I decided to do a lacy background with a variegated pink.  Not too bad for my first trapunto. 

The front

The ugly backing.  wish I'd picked a better backing.  LOL  The bobbin thread is a light pink.

Now, Lorena needs to finish her challenge.  I gave her the option to make a quilt top with some of my orphan blocks.  Gave her options of blue and yellow, pink, or purple and black.  She picked the purple and black.  They were left over 9 patches from one of Ann's mysteries.  I didn't like my color choices, so I ended up making three quilts from those pieces.  I used other colors to tone down the Halloween aspect of the quilt.  But, because of that, there are a few leftovers.  :)  So, Lorena needs to be challenged to piece and how do you make something out of less than optimum blocks.  Can't wait to see what she makes.

Today I have the borders ready for the Ocean Waves and a blue pillow.  I'm helping out at the school today, so I won't get lots done, but some sewing is a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Love the work... Okay I have started on my challenge... You are so much fun... I have more work than you so I better get busy... heheee..
    love you Melony
