
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Finally did something

I finally made a start at quilting again.  I quilted one for a customer, but I'm not sure I can post a photo of it, sooooo.
Marge Gordon of Delaware Quilts sent me these little quilts for the project at Wilford Hall Medical Center.  This is the place where they allow Moms that lose their babies to choose from items.  I put quilts in there for their use.  I've put 30 in so far and they are all given out.  How sad is that?  I finished these 3 today. . 

 One has been delivered and I'll pass the other two off next time I see my contact.  I actually have one more quilted and need to finish that binding.

This is the last project I finished for Jo's Club.  It still needs to be quilted, and I'm not sure how I am going to do that.  These are 1" unfinished logs.  Yikes!

This is QOV #98 that I finished this week.   
I have 1 more customer table runner to do and 4 more quilts to quilt.  I've already got the backing done, so it is just the loading of the quilts and quilting them. 
It feels good to be in the groove again.


  1. mel, looks like you have been busy! love them all!

  2. gee, mel, that courthouse steps for jo's club is gorgeous, i commend you on tackling such small pieces and so very many of them!

  3. It is amazing how the Jo's Club class is getting me to try smaller things. Takes as long to make, but hopefully my percision is getting better.
