
Monday, May 9, 2011

Dear Jane is quilted

This quilt was embroidered by a dear friend of mine, Vicki.  I've had it for a long time because it scared me to quilt it.  But, I finally had someone suggest stippling between the blocks to outline them.  Then, I did feathers in the wedges.  I like it.  It feels good to have it done.

So, now I have one less on my to do list.
1. RWB quilt for teacher just needs pieced and quilted.

2. Red quilt for teacher (not giving names in case they see this)
3. Red quilt for teacher
4. Red baby quilt
5. Green and Purple quilt just needs quilting. It is pieced.
6. Pink and green quilt. Started, but not finished.
7. Judy L's bear in the woods needs quilting. Needs to be done by the 20th
8. Baby quilt needs binding and label
9. Girl Scout quilt needs binding and label. Need to be done by the 18th.
10. Quilt Dear Jane that I've had too long. It is in process, but it taking a bobbin of thread per pass. Yikes!5/9/11
11. quilt baby quilt
12. quilt baby quilt
13. Quilt QOV
14. Quilt QOV
15. Quilt Angel Cover Ministry Quilt


  1. It's gorgeous Mel, neat idea to have all the blocks embroidered-that must have been a big job too-now you can enjoy it-Kathy

  2. Kathy, I didn't embroider it. Vicki did all that work! She will surely enjoy it if I can get to the Post Office. LOL
