
Thursday, February 24, 2011

not much quilting going on

Well, I must say I am at a stalemate.  I have so much other activities happening in my life that I'm hardly touching my passion.  I did make a couple of birthday blocks.



I also made Valentine pillows and table runner for DD's teachers

I quilted this for a friend.  I love the colors.

I have so much more I want to do and so little time.  Once February is over and Girl Scout cookie season is done, I think I'll have a bit more time.

a bit of good news is DH is coming home in April so I can go on a Jo Morton's retreat.  I am SOOOO excited I can't wait.

Off to a GS meeting and then home to clean up and get ready to substitute at the school tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. the heart pillows are a great idea - I think my favorite is the one pieced from a variety of reds with these echoed in the boarder
