
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday update

I have been working on this quilt on and off all week. It is the last of the teacher quilts. So, now I need to get the backing together and quilt it.

Then, the binding on the 2 quilts and I will have all things done. This is all from stash, and so is the other one. It is another UFO, so that is even better.
I took a few minutes off and did some funny TP embroidery. I have a few folks these should go to. LOL

My stash report for the week is:
Fabric usage goal (100 yards)--(35.82) yards to go
Fabric Added This Week -- 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date -- 20 yards
Fabric Used This Week -- 9.09 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date -- 66 yards
Fabric Used this month -- 22.54 yards
Net fabric used year to date: -64.18 yards
Judy is having us do the check in again this year. Accountability is a good thing!

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