
Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's been awhile since I actually did a report, so I will just start the summary again. I am in the middle of lots of things and have been quilting for others, so I've not used very much. But, if you look through the older posts, you can see I've been busy. LOL

Fabric usage goal (100 yards)--(73.61) yards to go
Fabric Added This Week -- 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date -- 20 yards
Fabric Used This Week --0.00 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date -- 42.75 yards
Fabric Used this month -- 0.00 yards (because it is a new month and lots of things in process)
Net fabric used year to date: -26.39 yards

Judy is having us do the check in again this year. Accountability is a good thing!


  1. This is interesting how you calculate how much fabric you have you have some kind of a cheat sheet to determine how much fabric you use, say if you are sewing with scrappy 2 1/2" squares and not cutting yardage. It would take lots of time to calculate - but I LIKE THE IDEA for stashbusting. I think I need to join!!!

    sao Shirley Albertson Owens
    in Midlothian, VA

  2. Shirley, I just calculate by the size of quilt. I do not consider the amount of seams or if it is scraps. So, it is probably not exact, but it does help keep me focused.
