
Sunday, February 28, 2010

sunday accountabilty

I didn't get to post last weekend, because it was Girl Scout Cookie weekend. DD had 4 booths and a neighborhood walk to sell her 500 boxes of cookies. She is within 6 boxes and we decided to just buy them instead of being out again this weekend.

I used 8 yards for a backing of a slanted star quilt. I did not make all the blocks, so I can't count them in my usage, but, I did use my fabric for the backing.

I made a couple of love blocks, but don't think I took photos of them. :(

Other than that, I have been doing GS stuff.

Fabric usage goal (100 yards)--(84.40) yards to go
Fabric Added This Week -- 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date -- 20 yards
Fabric Used This Week --8.17 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date -- 35.60 yards
Fabric Used this month -- 11.93 yards
Net fabric used year to date: -15.60 yards

Judy is having us do the check in again this year. Accountability is a good thing!


  1. Judy, You are so right about accountability regarding stash, it so helps. Thanks for the memories with the GS cookies. Our Springer Spaniel had a sweet tooth and she pulled a box of cookies off the table via the table cloth when my daughter was in the scouts. Needless to say, we bought the whole box....and learned never to tempt her again with that placement. LOL

  2. Mel, Sorry about posting it to Judy, duh I know you are Mel. My apologies.

  3. No problem. Seems my fingers don't always type waht I'm thinking.
